About me
As a young child, I was never that interested in my body. I was young and carefree. Until I wasn’t. Leaving home at 18, and being left in charge of what I did and what I ate, I slowly became aware of my health and wellbeing. I joined the Metropolitan Police Force and found exercise. It paid to be fit.
However, as life progressed, and I had three babies in 6 years, I resigned from my the force and devoted myself to raising the children. But with that, I very quickly lost myself.
It was when my youngest started school in 2021 and I had some spare time on my hands, I joined the local gym again and it was like the light had been switched back on after all those years. I threw myself into exercise and found that I quickly became all consumed with health and fitness once again. But, as any gym goer knows, exercise only plays a small part in the journey. Nutrition is vital!
I researched how to fuel my body the right way, I read, I baked, I cooked and eventually I enrolled on a Nutritional Coach course which truly opened my eyes to what a minefield nutrition can be.
That’s where I can help you!
Now being fully qualified as a Nutrition Coach, with a passion for food and exercise, as well as an understanding of how easily we get caught up in work, our busy schedules and raising young families, it inevitably it means we take a back seat. Not any more!
If your story sounds similar to mine, get in touch and let me help switch your light back on too!